Sky blue

Specialises in:
Food Beverage
Healthcare/ Pharma

Juan is a Colombian Creative Director specializing in the use of artificial intelligence for visual storytelling in advertising. With a strong background in cinematography, he began his career as a video editor, developing a unique ability to transform raw footage into compelling visual stories that captured fleeting moments and emotions. His passion for storytelling through imagery led him to explore the world of technology, constantly seeking innovative ways to elevate his projects.

Over the years, Juan's interest in technological tools merged with his creative drive, enabling him to integrate artificial intelligence into his creative process. This fusion of technology and art has allowed him to redefine how advertising campaigns are conceived and produced, improving efficiency, personalization, and resonance with modern audiences.

Currently, Juan works as an AI Creative Director, he leads advertising projects that combine artificial intelligence with high-impact visual strategies. In his role, he is responsible for conceptualizing and executing ad campaigns that not only leverage the most advanced technological tools but also ensure the messages connect effectively with an increasingly digital audience. His work not only optimizes creative processes but also enables the creation of high-quality content that reflects the trends and values of the contemporary world.

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