
Specialises in:
Food Beverage
Healthcare/ Pharma

Big Al has a BFA in Advertising Design and an MA in Mass Communications/ TV Production—both from Wayne State University in Detroit, my hometown.As of June 2024, I have worked in advertising for 60 years. 30 years as an AD/ACD in Detroit and NYC. For 30 years I've specialized in 3D and 2D photorealistic illustration, medical illustration, and difficult retouching and I’ve added AI imaging in the last year and a half.My 3D work has been selected by Lürzer's Int'l Archive for the 2013 and 2021 "200 Best Digital Artists Worldwide" Annual and 4 of my AI images were selected for the 2023 annual.I have coauthored two books on using Midjourney with Brian Sykes: one called “A.I. Explore: Snack Sized Prompts and $5 Words about one-word prompts; and I was one of 10 contributors to Brian’s “A.I. Explore: Collaborations 2.”On July 1, 2024, I received notice that Lürzer's Archive' "The ACE Report" (Annual of Creative Excellence 2024) came out today and I am ranked #2 in the top 10 Digital Artists in the United States for 2024!

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